
Grafana for Azure

ARM template for adding an VM with a fully automated bootstrap script to create monitoring that automatically connects to Azure monitor (data source) for metrics and allows users easy viewing of key metrics for Azure resources.


Creation Proces:

  1. Create a Resource groups
  2. Create Azure Grafana ARM template
  3. Run the ARM template
  4. Edit Subscription IAM - add Role assignment: Monitor Reade

Resources creation for monitoring:

  • Resource group
  • Virtual network
  • Network Interface
  • Network security group
  • Virtual machine UserData
  • Public IP address
  • Disk

Grafana previsioned Data sources:

  • Azure Monitor for getting metrics on network resources. Credentials will be with User assigned Managed Identity.
  • InfluxDB data source in combination with Telegraf for getting metrics on service UpTime.

Custom dashboard for Azure resources.

Running ARM temp from Azure CLI

  1. Log in to Azure

    az login
  2. Set the right subscription

    az account set --subscription "your subscription id"
  3. Create the Resource group

    az account list-locations
    az group create --name "resource-group" --location "your location"
  4. Deploy the ARM template

    az group deployment create --name "name of your deployment" --resource-group "resource-group" --template-file "./azuredeploy.json"
  5. In Azure CLI fill in “Linux OS Password” parameter

  • At least 12 characters
  • A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters
  • A mixture of letters and numbers
  1. Go to and add the role assignment “Monitoring Reader” to the Subscription you want to monitor.

  1. Visit GrafanaVM IP address (DNS name) to access the Grafana
  • User: Admin
  • Password: admin
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